Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Can't Say What Anymore?

I find myself often missing words I used in childhood. Not the half-words that you make up, or mispronounced words that you cling to (like ba-ba). Regular, 3rd grader, childhood words. Like play. Play used to mean going to my friend's house, hanging out, watching a movie or running around the yard. Now play means "play", baseball play, barbie doll play, Monopoly play. I can't call anyone anymore and say "you wanna come over and play?" because they accuse me of proffering sex.
And pussy. When was the last time you heard pussy and thought of a cat? (Or a willow as the case may be). Now a pussy willow is a dirty dirty thing, something to be sniggered at and put asside. Pussy cats are no longer an option. Cat only. I can't recall when in my life pussy became a dirty word.
Frankly, its depressing. I'd like to be able to use the words I want in the context I want, without getting glared at or laughed at. I suppose pussy has gone the way of bitch and ass. Those words will never regain thier true meaning. They're condemned to the dirty mouths of tweens and college kids. I suppose since I am about to graduate, even I have to put these words to bed, dirty meanings and all.
So, wanna come over to play?

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